Jumat, 19 September 2014
Jumat, 12 September 2014
Penantian Ibunda
Kamis, 27 Februari 2014
Senin, 24 Februari 2014
Quotes "Witch Hunter" karya Cho-Jung-Man
- Pangeran Lee memang layak jadi kaisar. Tapi dia tidak bijaksana. Yang kita butuhkan adalah kaisar yang bijaksana untuk mengayomi rakyat. -Jang Cheon (Witch Hunter Vol. 05)-
- "Orang yang cerdas bisa dikalahkan oleh orang yang berlatih keras!" -Lee Bairong (Witch Hunter Vol. 05)-
- "Kau sangat mencintai negeri ini. Kau pantas untuk jadi kaisar di sini. Rakyat membutuhkan orang sepertimu, bukan aku." -Yue Bairong (Witch Hunter Vol. 05)-
- Manusia adalah spesies yang mengagumkan. Tidak peduli situasi apa yang dihadapi, mereka cuma memikirkan keuntungan. -Eclipse Shadenon (WH chapter 17)-
Minggu, 23 Februari 2014
Cerita Mini: Guru Ngaji
Quotes "The Alchemist" karya Paulo Coelho
- "Hal-hal sederhana dalam hidup memang yang paling luar biasa; hanya orang-orang bijak yang dapat memahaminya."
- "Pada saat tertentu dalam hidup kita, kita kehilangan kendali atas apa yang terjadi pada diri kita, dan hidup kita lalu dikendalikan oleh nasib. Itulah dusta terbesar di dunia."
- "Daya misterius adalah kekuatan yang tampaknya negatif, tapi benarnya menunjukkan kepadamu cara mewujudkan Legenda Pribadimu."
- "Kekuatan ini mempersiapkan rohmu dan kehendakmu, karena ada satu kebenaran terbesar di planet ini: siapapun kamu, atau apapun yang kau lakukan, saat kau benar-benar menginginkan sesuatu, itu karena hasrat tadi bersumber di dalam jiwa alam semesta. Itulah misimu di dunia."
- "Di masa-masa awal hidup mereka, orang-orang sudah tahu apa alasan hidup mereka. Mungkin itu pula sebabnya mereka pun menyerah terlalu dini. Tapi begitulah kenyataaanya."
- "Jika kau mulai dengan menjanjikan apa yang belum kau miliki, kau akan kehilangan hasratmu untuk bekerja guna mendapatkannya."
7 Proverbs and Their Meanings
1. "Don't cross your bridges before you come to them."
Don't worry about problems before they arrive.
2. "Soon learnt, soon forgotten."
Something that is easy to learn is easy to forget.
3. "Even a worm will turn."
Everybody will revolt if driven too far.
* worm (noun) = small thin animal with soft body and no legs
* turn (verb) = revolt, fight back
4. "It was the last straw that broke the camel's back."
There is a limit to everything.
* straw (noun) = dried stalk of grain (like grass)
* camel (noun) = large long-necked animal in the desert
5. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."
Many women have won a man's love by cooking good meals.
* way (noun) = path; route
6. "Where there's a will there's a way."
If we are determined to do something, we can do it.
* will (noun) = strong determination, desire.
* way (noun) = path, method
7. "The best advice is found on the pillow."
We may find the answer to a problem after sleeping.
* advice (noun) = recommendation as to what to do
* pillow (noun) = cushion to rest your head on sleeping
Kamis, 20 Februari 2014
Kata Indah Anime & Manga
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"Musibah atau kesulitan sering datang beruntun."
-Soun Tendo (Ranma 1/2)- |
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"Kebaikan akan datang kepada mereka yang
-Soun Tendo & Saotome Genma (Ranma 1/2)- |
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"Bagaimanapun usaha seseorang, tidak akan ada yang bisa
mengubah sejarah."
-Happosai (Ranma 1/2)- |
Tokoh Shinsengumi dalam Anime Hakuouki dan Rurouni Kenshin (Update)
1. Hijikata Toshizo
Hijikata Toshizo dari Hakuouki dengan Aoshi Shinomori dari Rurouni Kenshin.
Berdasarkan sumber dari mbah gugel, sosok yang dijadikan model dari karakter ini merupakan wakil komandan Shinsengumi, Hijikata Toshizo (31 Mei 1835 - 20 Juni 1869)
Tapi, tokoh ini dimodifikasi secara ekstrim dalam manga/anime Rurouni Kenshin. Hijikata diubah menjadi sosok Aoshi sebagai pemimpin Oniwabanshu. Sementara dalam anime Hakuouki, peran Hijikata Toshizo kurang lebih dibuat mirip dengan sosok aslinya.
Faktanya, Hijikata selalu mengenakan Kodachi (sepasang pedang kembar, semacam pisau panjang). Dan uniknya Hijikata ini juga salah satu petarung yang sangat disegani dalam sejarah jepang dengan menggunakan kenjutsunya yang khas yaitu Shinsengumi-kenjutsu" gaya bertarung dari Tennen Rishin-ryu.
Hijikata meninggal dalam pertempuran Hakodate dan sampai sekarang belum tahu dimana dia dikubur tetapi nisan peringatannya bisa kita lihat di dekat Itabashi Station,Tokyo.
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Hijikata Toshizo |
Sedangkan pada anime Hakuouki, Karakter Okita Souji terdapat pada tokoh dengan nama yang sama: Okita Souji. Perbedaannya, kisah Okita Souji dalam anime Hakuouki cukup mirip dengan kisah aslinya (bahkan diceritakan juga bahwa ia menderita penyakit TBC) dibandingkan dalam anime Kenshin yang telah dimodifikasi seperti tokoh lainnya.
Pada kenyataannya, Okita Souji merupakan seorang samurai anggota Shinsengumi, sang kapten regu 1 kelompok Shinsen. Dia adalah anggota Shinsengumi yang paling populer, di usianya yang masih sangat muda dia menguasai berbagai macam teknik-teknik pedang handal, dan pada usia 15 tahun lebih dia sudah menjadi seorang samurai yang ulung.
Pedang yang ia gunakan adalah Kikuichi Narimune (dalam anime Rurouni Kenshin pedang inilah yang digunakannya untuk bertarung melawan Kenshin pada pertarungan terakhir). Okita terkenal sebagai ahli pedang terbaik yg dimiliki oleh Shinsengumi.
Sayang sekali, pada umurnya yang ke 20 dia terserang TBC akut. Penyakit Okita mulai diketahui saat peristiwa Ikeda-ya. Dalam peristiwa Ikeda-ya terlihat Okita yang rubuh meskipun ia tidak terkena serangan musuh. Lalu setelah perang Boshin ia masuk rumah sakit di Edo dan meninggal dalam usia 25 tahun.
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Okita Souji |
Jumat, 14 Februari 2014
Structural Grammar
1. The philosophers in the Structural Grammar developing English:
A.European Structural Linguistics:
Sir William Jones
In the 1780s Sir William Jones, an Englishman, contributed invaluable linguistic information. He had become fascinated with Sanskrit. He had come across the work of an ancient Indian scholar, Panini, who had written an extremely detailed grammar of Sanskrit during the fifth century B.C.
Jones had convinced tat the enormous number of similarities between the roots of Sanskrit and those of Greek and Latin provided strong evidence that all three of these languages were in some way related.
Jones hypothesized that a great many other European and Asian languages probably had histories which could be traced back to the same original parent language.
Jones speculated that whatever that original source language might have been, it had been spoken so far back in history that it no longer existed.
Franz Bopp
In 1816 Franz Bopp, a German language scholar who is often called the founder of historical and comparative linguistics, published Uber das Conjugationssystem, in which he did two things:
First, he supported the results of his own comparative studies of verb inflections in Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Persian, and several of the European Teutonic (Germanic) languages.
Second, he contended that his own results, along with those of other comparative inquiries, furnished convincing support for the theory that not only had all these languages developed simultaneously, although independently, from a single parent language, but that it also was quite possible to recover enough empirical historical linguistic evidence to be able to reconstruct a fairly close approximation of that ancient Indo-European language which had bben the source of them all.
Charles Darwin
In 1859, Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was published, followed twelve years later by a second book, The Descent of Man. In these volumes Darwin argued that humans evolved, very gradually and over an enormous period historical time, from more primitive ancestors.
B. American Structural Linguistics:
Franz Boas & Edwars Sapir
Franz Boas, and later his student, Edward Sapir, were the first to formally proposed that structural analysis should be conducted on three sucessive levels, beginning with the sound level, proceeding next to word structure analysis, and only then to the analysis of syntax or sentence structure.
Leonard Bloomfield
Bloomfield’s most important contribution as probably his method of “immediate constituent” analysis.
Charles Carpenter Fries
Among Fries contributions were these:
First, he divised a word-classification system based solely on the forms or structure of isolated words.
Second, he listed five grammatical devices which serve, in English, to signal grammatical clues.
Third, he invented asystem of grammatical analysis by means of test frames.
2. The characteristics of structural grammar:
A. Principle of structural grammar:
Lyon says that structural grammar or modern linguistics is based upon the following principles:
- Priority of spoken language
Linguistics is a descriptive, not a prescriptive science.
- The linguist is interested in all language
Priority of synchronic description.
- The structural approach
‘Langue’ and ‘parole’.
B. The grammar system
A language must have a system for putting its words together in meaningul relationships. This is the role of a grammar, and it is what the structuralist refers to as grammatical meaning.
- Nominalization: a method of indicating names for objects and ideas; also, a means of changing nonnaming structure to a naming one.
- Predication: a method of making an assertion or an affirmation.
Modification a means of associating particular qualities, limitations, or qualifications with a particular word or idea.
- Subordination: a method of showing the relative importance of ideas of unequal significance.
- Coordination: a method of showing that certain words or ideas are of equal importance.
- Complementation: a means of completing a construction begun by a verb.
Work at the phonological level in the description of English was made possible largely by the contributions of Trager and Smith, who devised a method of isolating English phonemes and who developed a phonemic alphabet for American English phonemes.
Investigation at the morphological level is confined to word-structure, and while investigators may make use of the methodology and conclusions of the lower phonological level, the may not justify any of the morphological analysis by reference to the higher, syntactic level.
Our next task is to look beyond isolated forms to determine the syntactic environments in which certain word types typically occur.
(Sumber: Textbook Mata Kuliah Grammar)